Avoiding the Most Common Insurance Claims Around the Holidays

It’s no secret that certain problems tend to arise over the holiday season that can result in enough damage to get an insurance quote involved, and people should take extra care to try to avoid them. The good news is that a lot of these claims are things mostly things that you should be careful of anyway. We all know not to leave a meal on the cooker unattended for too long, for example. The bad news is that Christmas is a perfect storm of merriment and chaos, with extra bodies, extra alcohol, and less worries, all making for an environment where care is dialled down a bit. The ultimate lesson from this list is to keep that care over the holidays and not become another statistic on the list of common insurance claims that tend to rise over the holidays. Take a look at our list to know what common insurance claims around the holidays to look out for.

Driving safely

Between the bad weather, the long trips to hometowns and in-laws, and the overconfidence that a drink might give us, there are a lot of reasons why one of the most common insurance claims around Christmas is motor accidents. According to research done by Road Safety Analysis, an average of three deaths per day occur due to crashes on UK roads during the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

To prevent a tragedy, there are a few things you can do to stay safe. When it comes to bad weather, allow extra drive time with risky road conditions, keep an emergency roadside kit with blankets and a flashlight in your car, and stay off roads during severe storms or if cars are sliding around you. You might even want to look up some information on driving in the ice and snow.

Additionally, do not drive while on any substances. Prebook your taxi to ensure you have a way home from holiday parties or arrange a designated driver. Remember that even a minor accident while impaired can lead to criminal charges, license suspension, vehicle impounding, and increased insurance costs.

Cooking safely

‘Tis the season for a meal so big its pride and joy can’t fit in the oven. People get experimental trying to get the turkey cooked. We wouldn’t recommend a lot of the methods that involve the barbeque in the snow or gasoline in a tin can like a hobo fire, but you should know that home fires thanks to cooking on Christmas are another example of common insurance claims.

If you’re lucky enough to have an oven big enough for the pre-historic birds that line the supermarket, you still should keep your wits about you. The way most people say, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, we say “Too many cooks cause a kitchen fire”. Your attention is split by so many sides, desserts and cocktails that occur at Christmas.

So, for the basics: keep appliances clean and free of grease buildup, never leave cooking food unattended, check food regularly to avoid burns and overcooking, and make sure appliances are off when finished cooking.

Securing your home

Well, unless you’re hosting, most likely you’ll be leaving your home for a bit to enjoy the holidays with friends or family, and typically, to be a responsible driver, it means staying over. But leaving your home unattended for a long period of time, at a predictable time of the year, is likely to open you up to some home security issues and even some damage. This is one of the most well-known common insurance claims, but still is worth remembering.

Consider asking as trusted neighbour to check your home every now and then for burst pipes, appliance issues, vandalism, or attempted break-ins so problems don’t compound if unnoticed. Before you leave, check your insurance policy for holiday theft coverage, as you might need higher security precautions for valuable or fragile gifts.

You might consider installing exterior lighting and motion sensor lights or a doorbell camera to catch any movement outside your home. An oldie but goodie tip is to make it look like you’re home by leaving the lights or TV on when you’re away for a short period of time. And obviously, ensure all your windows and doors are locked before you leave.

Decorating safely

And then there is the décor. It’s a staple of Christmas tradition but it’s also a likely means of some personal or home damage and the cause of a lot of common insurance claims. Make sure your ladder is secure and correct for use. Always maintain 3 points of contact, don’t overreach, and have someone spot you when putting up lights.

Set household rules on not overloading outlets with holiday appliances like lights, air fryers or mixers to avoid any spontaneous fires. Supervise the use of decorations or cooking equipment by kids or visitors prone to mishaps. Check holiday lights for worn cords and loose bulbs before using, use non-flammable decorations and avoid overhead candles. Water natural trees daily to prevent fire hazards and turn off lights when leaving home or sleeping.


Follow our guide to ensure that you don’t have to contact your insurer for one of these common insurance claims around the holidays. Contact Priority Scotland if you find you need help with a claim.